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HKAC supported event:「社會創新與都市永續的共生關係」專題研討會

HKAC supported event:
“Symbiosis of Social Innovation and Urban Sustainability” Thematic Seminar

珠海學院與聖公會麥理浩夫人中心為URF 10週年舉辦「社會創新與都市永續的共生關係」專題研討會,屆時還有多元文化工作坊及展覽,歡迎任何界別人士參與!

Chu Hai College and HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre are organizing a Thematic Seminar “Symbiosis of Social Innovation and Urban Sustainability” for URF 10th anniversary. There will be some multi-culture workshops and exhibition on that day. The seminar is open to public. You’re welcome to join us!

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