【建築好書推介|《Smart Green Resilient》】

推介建築師|Theresa YEUNG, 楊詠珊小姐
香港建築中心董事 (2017-19)


Is Hong Kong losing its edge as a global financial hub? Facing competition from neighbouring cities such as Singapore and Shenzhen, how can Hong Kong maintain its competitiveness as a world-class city? How can we make our city a more desirable place to work, live and do business? Smart Green Resilient offers a blueprint for the future direction of (y)our cities. Developed from our extensive participation in East Asia's urbanisation, the book provides a fresh conceptual framework to enhance the urban development process and serves as a next-generation model of best practice.

怎樣才能使我們的城市成為更理想的居住、生活、營商環境?如何保持世界級城市的競爭力和優勢? 怎樣才是理想的城市建設環境?「智慧綠色韌性」這書為我們的城市提供了一個未來城市發展的藍圖。本書集結多個東亞城市於城市化過程中的經驗,為我們的城市提供一個新的城市發展框架,締造智慧、綠色、韌性城市。

推薦閱讀|Smart Green Resilient
作者|Wilfred Lau, Christoforos Romanos, Bruce Chong
出版社|Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd. (November 1, 2016)