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HKAC Archi-Trip to Shenzhen: Architecture X 2017 UABB X Shenzhen

Shenzhen has gone through some remarkable changes over the last 20 years, a flourishing scene in architecture, design and IT infrastructures…has appeared.

Many high-profile architectural projects that are currently taking place in the city of Shenzhen.

Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB) is currently the only biennial exhibition in the world to be based exclusively on the set themes of URBANISM AND URBANIZATION. Under the theme of “Cities, Grow in Difference”, more than 200 exhibitors from over 25 countries gathered at Nantou Old Town this year, it aims to explore and reflect on the urban development within a globalized context. It also tries to establish the vision of the future cities through works that fuse architecture, art, and design. 

Would you like to explore more from the exhibitions and the new architecture and design projecs in Shenzhen? If so, please join us and find out more!

Date: 27 January, 2018 (Sat)
Time: 8:00 – 20:00
Guided Tour Speaker: Architect Joe Lui (Vice-chair of HKAC)
No. of participants: 45
Admission fee: HK$780 (HKAC members); HK$980 (Non-members)
Language: Cantonese