【香港建築中心 建築好書推介|“Architecture Without Architects: A Short Introduction to Non-pedigreed Architecture”】

Paul Chu.jpg

Paul CHU, 朱海山建築師

香港建築中心董事 (2017-19)


Architecture design does not need architects?

The content of this classic was based on an exhibition of the same name in Museum of Modern Art (MoMA, New York, USA) by Bernard Rudofsky, a Czech American Architect and social historian, in 1964. Through the display of powerful photographs of local vernacular architecture from all over the world, Rudofsky argued that architects should learn from the pre-modern architectural forms created by local wisdom. The message was especially important after the disbanding of Congrès Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM) in 1959, when architecture and urban design started to explore new design approaches in regionalism. The book opened our eyes by leading us to appreciate ‘raw architecture’ that were produced without the intervention of Planners or Architects throughout the ages and around the world.

"... vernacular architecture does not go through fashion cycles. It is nearly immutable, indeed, unimprovable, since it serves its purpose to perfection..." remarked Rudofsky.


捷克裔美國建築師和社會歷史學家 Bernard Rudofsky 在1964年在美國紐約現代藝術博物館(MoMA)展示了來自世界各地的民居建築照片,有力地解說建築師應該向地域智慧所創造的「前現代主義」建築形式學習,去創造非單一化的設計。這展覽的內容同年被編制成這同名的書本。這部經典提倡的概念,特別對於國際現代建築協會(CIAM)在1959年解散之後,建築和城市設計開始探討地域主義的新設計方向尤其重要。這本書把沒有經過正規設計訓練而來的哲學與實踐而衍生的「原始建築」的智慧展示於人前,擴闊了我們的視野。

正如 Rudofsky 曾評論道:「......民居建築不經歷時尚週期。它的智慧和美態在於它從來不受時尚干擾,近乎一成不變地達到它因地制宜的圓滿功能......」


推薦閱讀|Architecture Without Architects: A Short Introduction to Non-pedigreed Architecture
作者|Bernard Rudofsky
出版社|University of New Mexico Press